Tag Archives: X-Men

Watch it! X-Men: First Class 2011

Pretty lucky to have tickets for X-Men: First Class 2011 premier last night. I was a bit skeptical on going to watch this movie because the actors are all fairly new and seriously, how can 1 movie show the beginning of X-Men properly? I’ll give my 2 cents on this movie from a fan-boy, non-fan-boy view and overview.

The way the story started all the way to the end definitely flows nicely towards the rest of the X-Men movie series. Seeing them growing up and learning their powers and excepting them is always a nice touch to anyone with a fantasy of hoping one day they will also have super powers.

Hardcore fans might be disappointed on how almost every characters story isn’t the way it’s suppose to be. You’ll most probably non-stop telling the person sitting next to you that “that’s not the way they met”, “he didn’t do that”, “that’s not true” blah blah blah…

Story set aside, Matthew Vaughn (director) did a great job on the cinematography and dialogues, he’s pretty good with fantasy comical stuff considering he’s the one who produced Stardust 2007 and Kick-Ass 2010. He kept this movie true to it’s name, first class of X-Men. Focusing on Prof. X, Magneto and the human race. Two greatest mutants torn apart because of different goals and mutual understanding towards each other. The CGI is wonderful, not unbelievable, who am I kidding, it’s a comic movie! Should be unbelievable.

Favorite Scene
Wolverine’s cameo :o)
