Tag Archives: Sam Huntington

Don’t watch it! Dylan Dog: Dead Of Night

Dylan Dog is an Italian comic series started back in 1986. This year, the Americans decided to come out with a movie based on the comic series.

Even though I said don’t watch it. I find it quite entertaining actually. It did made me jump a little at the very beginning but it slowly died off as the comedy starts to roll in. Sad to say though, it’s not exactly funny either.

So at this point, you have a movie which is not very scary or funny. The plus points of this movie is the action bit and CGI. Watching it in local Malaysian cinemas might have quite a big portion censored out due to blood and suggestive sex scenes. Dylan Dog (Brandon Routh, you’ll remember him from Superman Returns), a mortal who is specialize in supernatural is portrait as a scary cat in the comics but not so much in the movie. He’s still much like a Superman, reason why I say this is because he was thrown and flung around by demons, vampires, werewolves and is literally unscratched.

Overall quite a good movie but not good enough for me to shout ‘Watch it!’

Favorite Scene
Morgue scene packs a few laughs.
