Tag Archives: miri

Lambir Waterfalls Revisited


I find myself returned once more to Lambir Waterfalls.

A place I almost drowned 2 decades ago. It happened right where the girl in the picture was standing. I was young and naughty and did not know how to swim.

My relatives from Sandakan, Sabah brought a friend to visit Miri and my dad decided to bring all of us to the waterfalls. The place was packed as it was a weekend. The adults all went out of the water but I stayed in. The cold water didn’t bother me one bit.

Loving the feeling of going deeper into the water. I tip-toed my way towards the deep end. Slowly and carefully I was caught off-guard by the sudden cliff that appeared. I couldn’t feel anything under my feet. Immediately I was sinking deeper and deeper. As the water rushes into my mouth, I could barely shout or let alone say anything. As I tried to signal for help, my limbs are working as hard as possible to keep myself afloat.

I thank God that my actions actually caught someone’s attention. In the corner of my eye, I saw him rushed towards me and grab me back on shore with ease. Despite the shock, I could recognize that the guy was actually my relative’s friend.

Today, as I was walking back into Lambir. I could remember all the foot steps I’ve taken. Standing there in front of the waterfall with memory imprint where my parents sat, how I almost drowned, how I was saved…

Welcome back to Lambir Waterfalls. You are as beautiful as you are.

I Cried On Watermelon Seeds.

Gullible is the word to describe this story.

I’ve always love the sweet taste of watermelon since young. I have the privilege to eat one whole watermelon by myself every night while watching movies when I’m in Miri because my dad plants em’. Lucky me eh.

Here comes the story. 7 years old, con by my mama on a sunny afternoon. Conveniently sliced watermelon is being served and my brother and I was indulging the soft sweet redness of it. You know how boys can be sloppy eaters when they are young. I swallowed some seeds and told my mama with a bit of a shock. My mama teamed up with my little brother and told me that:

“James, soon you’ll see watermelon sprout from the top of your head.”

What do you expect an innocent boy to think? I took it literally of course! I stopped eating immediately and had a mental picture in my head that how ugly I would look with watermelon sprouting on top of my head. I lower my head and put my arms around my head. From a quiet tear to a slight cry.

After having a fair share of laughing my mama convinced that she was only joking and she had to explain what will happen to the seed before I stop crying. Boo!