Tag Archives: London

London, I heart you 110% for loving Malaysia!

Dear Malaysians,

As you all know, Bersih 2.0 made a big impact around the World and I’m writing this post to thank the World for supporting us.

If you do not know what Bersih 2.0 is about please watch the video below for a summary.

Our Prime Minister, Najib is having a tour in London as we speak and guess what. There was a ‘flashmob’ at the Intercontinental Hotel, Hyde Park where Najib was hosting a dinner and reports on the peaceful protest at Downing Street and the Lord Mayor’s Office in support of the EO6.

Yellow Submarine

Kuning Kuning Najib Pening

Dato Seri Anifah Aman’s Comments – crank up your volume to listen

More chanting on call to free all detainess

Protest outside Lord Mayor’s office Mansion House


additional pictures