There are lots of things I would like to be in this lifetime.
- Astronaut
- All Blacks Rugby Player
- Big Time Criminal like Al Capone
- Spy much like James Bond
- Superhero like Mr. Incredible
- Villain like Lex Luthor
- Jet Fighter Pilot
- F1 Driver
- National Geographic wild-life photographer
- Professional Con Artist
- Professional Dancer
- Car Reviewer like Jeremy Clarkson
- Game Developer for Blizzard
- Rock Star like Aerosmith
So what does that has got anything to do with me wanting to be an actor? Most of the profession I’ve listed requires a lifetime to achieve. I can’t just spend 2 months of studying how to be a jet fighter pilot and fly one. Or take a F1 driving license and be competitive in the track next to Sebastian Vettel. Send a resume to Mi6 and be James Bond. No, it all requires a lifetime and dedication to achieve.
So, after I did some thinking and I realize that by being an actor, it’s the only way I could achieve almost all my want-to-be list of careers. May it be only 1 day of being a spy, F1 driver, it’s enough!