Exactly 2 years ago, I was at my friends wedding. A dear friend’s wedding which I’ve known since primary school. Ever since she moved to KL, she has been dating this guy which I’ve not seen till the wedding day itself.
I arrived on time at the wedding. Walk towards the reception and my friend saw me. I greeted and congratulate her and asked her to introduce her husband. He was busy entertaining guests and when he turned around to greet me. We’re both stunned for a moment. I was dressed up way better than he did on his wedding day.
I immediately walked to my table after shaking hands with him. My friends on the table were shocked at the way I dressed up for the wedding too!
And no, I ain’t gonna put any pictures to further embarrass him and my friend.
Check out my embarrassing moments #001 – http://jameslsy.wordpress.com/2005/06/02/embarassing-moments-001/